Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The March of the Flag

In the essay, The March of the Flag, Albert Beveridge makes the claim that Americans are, “God’s chosen people.” He assumes that Americans have a superiority over everyone else, and their sole purpose is to fight for God. He also argues that, “America’s power is to save the soil for liberty and civilization.” This means that an individual does not have a choice to fight, but rather must fight. It is similar to Johnny Got His Gun because he was forced to fight in a war that he knew little about. Joe was simply fighting for the protection of America’s wonderful gifts that God has given this country. In the book Joe describes the horrors and struggle of war that he had to face in order to preserve God’s land. Moreover, he sees Americans have a moral and global obligation to spread the knowledge and superiority of America’s religion and government to all the less fortunate people.

1 comment:

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