Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Indiana Government Positions

1. Who are your U.S Senators? 

Evan Bayh (Democrat) and Richard Lugar (Republican) are the U.S Senators and hoth Evan Bayh and Richard Lugar are not up for reelection.

2. Who is your U.S Congressman/woman?

 Dan Burton (republican) is my U.S congressman and is up for reelection this year.

3. Who is your U.S State congressman/woman?

 Jim Buck (republican) is my U.S State congressman.

4. Which of these is up for reelection?

Dan Burton, and Governor Mitch Daniels are up for reelection this year.

5. Who is running for Governor?

Mitch Daniels (Republican) is up for reelection this year and his opponents are Andy Horning (Libertarian) and Jill Long Thompson (Democrat)

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