Freedom and Survival are equally important; they both predict the outcome of life. Everyone wants freedom, and sometimes to get to freedom, you have to survive. I thought of two books that I have read in the last year, Call Me Ishmael and Into the Wild.
In the book Into the Wild, Chris McCandless ventures out into the wild to survive, on his own instincts. Chris had a lot of trouble with his family, so he wanted freedom to get away from it all. To Chris, freedom was doing what he loved without material possessions. When Chris was living on the road, he found freedom in nature’s beauty and open road. Chris’ life story went from freedom to survival. When Chris had reached the bus that was left in Alaska, he had relied on his instincts for survival. At the end of the book, I believe surviving was more important to Chris than freedom. He knew that he life was dwindling so he tried to cross the river, but he couldn’t. From there on out in order to survive he couldn’t think about his newfound freedom, he just had to think about keeping himself alive. When Chris died I suspect he realized sometimes survival is more important than freedom, and his freedom was short-lived. The book, Call Me Ishmael, was a very similar story to Chris in that, Ishmael had to survive through some very tough times as well. On his journey to find freedom, Ishmael temporarily relinquished his freedom after being forced to join the army. Though he gave up some of his freedom along the way, eventually, with time, survival and patience his freedom was achieved.
As I have stated before, survival and freedom go hand in hand. Just like it did with the books I have just mentioned. If you think about it, all the men and women who fight and die for us in war have survived. In order for freedom to be achieved you have to survive. Because of the people who survived and fought through war, where would we be today with out it? Any freedoms that we have should not be taken away, such as voting, education, and the right to own property. Someone somewhere along the lines has made sacrifices for us to enjoy these freedoms. That sacrifice could mean that these people had to survive adverse conditions and adverse situations just to give us what we have today. We sometimes don’t realize what others, our own citizens, had in taking part in building our society.
Since we live in a free country, all we have to worry about is how to maintain our freedom and our individual rights. Just like Chris, everyone wants to survive to enjoy the amenities in life. With our freedom and survival skills we can achieve our goals. Many times we wind up saying we don’t have enough freedom, but some freedom has to be given up in order to survive.